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Welcome to Wanqing Zhao Homepage

Wanqing Zhao

Doctor of Computer Science, Associate Professor

About me

I am currently a associate professor in the School of Information Science and Technology at Northwest University, China. I received the PhD degree from Northwest University of China in 2017. My research interests include machine learning, computer vision, pattern recognition and multimedia retrieval.



Recent Publications

  1. Guided Filter Network for Semantic Image Segmentation [PDF]
    Zhang, Xiang and Zhao, Wanqing* and Wei, Zhang and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 31, pp. 2695-2709, 2022.

  2. Class Guided Channel Weighting Network for Fine-Grained Semantic Segmentation [PDF]
    Zhang, Xiang and Zhao, Wanqing* and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022.

  3. Multiple Instance Hashing for Fast Multi-object Image Search [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Guan, Ziyu and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 30, pp. 7995-8007, 2021.

  4. Keypoint-graph-driven learning framework for object pose estimation [PDF]
    Zhang, Shaobo and Zhao, Wanqing* and Guan Ziyu and Peng, Xianlin and Peng, Jinye
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021

  5. Learning Deep Network for Detecting 3D Object Keypoints and 6D Poses [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Zhang, Shaobo and Guan, Ziyu and Zhao, Wei and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020

  6. 6D object pose estimation via viewpoint relation reasoning [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Zhang, Shaobo and Guan, Ziyu and Luo, Hangzai and Tang, Lei and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Neurocomputing, Vol. 389, pp. 9-17, 2020.

  7. Answer identification from product reviews for user questions by multi-task attentive networks [PDF]
    Chen, Long and Guan, Ziyu and Zhao, Wei and Zhao, Wanqing and Wang, Xiaopeng and Zhao, Zhou and Sun, Huan
    Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019

  8. Tag-based Weakly-supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval [PDF]
    Guan, Ziyu and Xie, Fei and Zhao, Wanqing* and Wang, Xiaopeng and Chen, Long and Zhao, Wei and Peng, Jinye
    Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018

  9. Spatial pyramid deep hashing for large-scale image retrieval [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Neurocomputing, Vol. 243, pp. 166-173, 2017.

  10. Deep multiple instance Hashing for object- based image retrieval [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Guan, Ziyu and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017

  11. Locally linear spatial pyramid hash for large-scale image search [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 1 pp. 109-123, 2018.

  12. Fusion of wifi and vision based on smart devices for indoor localization [PDF]
    Guo, Jing and Zhang, Shaobo and Zhao, Wanqing* and Peng, Jinye
    Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI), 2018

  13. MapReduce-based clustering for near-duplicate image identification [PDF]
    Zhao, Wanqing and Luo, Hangzai and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 22 pp. 23291-23307, 2017.

  14. Plant recognition via leaf shape and margin features
    Zhang, Xiang and Zhao, Wanqing and Luo, Hangzai and Chen, Long and Peng, Jinye and Fan, Jianping
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 19 pp. 27463-27489, 2019.

  15. Multilayer feature descriptors fusion CNN models for fine-grained visual recognition
    Hou, Yong and Luo, Hangzai and Zhao, Wanqing and Zhang, Xiang and Wang, Jun and Peng, Jinye
    Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 30, No. 3-4 pp. e1897, 2019.